Web Links

Casey Journalism Center on Children and Families  www.casey.umd.edu
Annie E. Casey Foundation www.aecf.org
Child Trends annual data related to children www.childtrends.org
Children’s Defense Fund www.childrensdefense.org
Chronicle of Higher Education http://chronicle.com/
Citizens Committee for Children www.kfny.org
Education Sector, policy think tank http://educationsector.org/
Education Writer’s Association www.ewa.org
Education Weekly http://www.edweek.org/ew/index.html
ERIC data clearinghouse for all education related queries (www.askeric.org)
Foundation for Child Development http://ffcd.org
Independent Commission on Public Education, a human rights group
Kids Count data www.aecf.org/aeckids.htm
National Center for Children in Poverty www.nccp.org
National Center of Education Statistics, from the Department of Education www.nces.edu.gov
The National Institute of Education Sciences, www.ed.gov/ies
The National Center for Schools and Communities, Fordham University
United States Census Bureau www.census.gov

NYC sites:
Advocates for Children www.advocatesforchildren.org, a research and legal rights organization for students
Campaign for Fiscal Equity, Inc. (www.cfequity.org), a group currently suing the state for equal funding for NYC schools
Center for Education Innovation and Public Education Association http://www.ceiintl.org/
Class Size Matters, a NYC advocacy group http://www.classsizematters.org/
Department of Education for New York City: www.nycenet.edu.
Education Priorities Panel www.edpriorities.org, budget and education research group
Gotham Gazette education sources www.gothamgazette.com
Institute for Education and Social Policy www.nyu.edu/iesp: an NYU-based education
Inside Schools data www.insideschools.org
Manhattan Institute www.manhattan-institute.org, social services national think tank
New Visions for Public Schools http://www.newvisions.org/
New York Charter School Resource Center http://www.nycsrc.org/
New York State Department of Education http://www.nysed.gov
United Parents Association www.upanyc.org, umbrella organization for all PTA presidents